Photo Credit- Anemone123 from Pixabay
Lately, I’ve started questioning whether it’s worth throwing my two cents into the ring of social media. There are a million voices, some with the same message of truth I write about. But after a while, the faces become faceless and I wonder, does it make any difference? It begins to feel like a circus show and I’m the clown. My hands get clammy and my breathing grows shallow.Did I take up the wrong mission of longing to reach out to others, to speak truth into their lives? Or at the very least, leave them a blessing for the day. I ask myself, is it possible to encourage people in the virtual world or is it a waste of time? I sense the familiar feeling of fear creep up again- it rises from my belly to my throat, making me a little queasy.
There’s a passage in Revelation I read recently, which goes like this:
“Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;”
(Revelation 12:10-11)
As my mind was becoming a giant battlefield slowly spinning out of control, this portion of Scripture was the gentle reminder I needed.
Did you know ‘Satan’ means ‘accuser?’ It is literally his job to paralyze believers with doubts, fears, and past sins, shaming us to believe we could never be used by God. There is no fool who fears God. The Bible says so. Can we act foolishly at times? Yes. And that is where discernment from the Spirit and godly counsel from others comes in. It’s time we called Satan out for what he is – a liar. You are not a fool for speaking truth. What you do to minister to someone else is not a waste of time.
Maybe you help coach a girls’ volleyball team hoping to minister to them as well, or you’re reaching out to a new co-worker who may need a friend. Perhaps you lead a small group you had hoped would have a better turn out. The father of lies will tell you to hang it up because you’re getting nowhere and who do you think you are?
We are sons and daughters of the Most High, that’s who we are.
We were created to go and tell and do in His Name for the glory of His Kingdom. What Satan would stifle, God is calling us to nurture- in courage and in faithfulness. Individually we are one building block and you may think you aren’t making much of a difference. But put us together and we are the Kingdom. The Church must continue to stand as we fight against the unseen in spiritual battles every day.
Now, my discouragement and fear begin to subside. The gray clouds break apart and I can see clearly again through the lens of truth.
God has designed each of us to live in the abilities He has gifted us. As we abide in Christ each day, He will give us the discernment we need and order our steps in encouraging others. Filling ourselves with His Word produces a supernatural overflow that affects our homes, our work, our relationships, even our desires. You might be the person someone needs to hear speak words of hope today.
You were made to shine His light of love to the world. Don’t let the accuser have this win. Lean on to who God says you are and share generously the glorious Gospel message with the gifts He has blessed you with.
So encouraging! I’ve often felt the same way and wonder if it’s even worth it the trouble. Thank you sharing!
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Thank you Sarah! Yes, I believe the Enemy will try and stop us from using our God-given gifts to minister to others. It’s good when we can recognize where the lies and doubts are coming from.