Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Actions speak louder than words. True.

But then, there are times when we are in dire need of both words and action at the same time. We all have our reasons for speaking up or staying quiet in different situations, that does not mean we have more or less to offer at that particular time. We make a choice to either do it or not.

We sometimes forget that our words could be what someone needs desperately at a given moment. It could be words to bring peace or words of guidance. Whatever the case may be, let the words out when it’s needed. A lady once assumed that it is better to let her husband make all the decisions regarding the family, and all she has to do is listen and agree with him. Most of the decisions he shares with her are things she doesn’t agree with deep within or is skeptical about, but she wanted to please her husband and let him take the lead.

Is her decision helping her family and their marriage?

I personally don’t believe so!

In my opinion, a wife was not married to be voiceless in the house. The lord created you to be a helper and a helper is not mute. If you don’t say anything, how are you going to drive the communication and be of help? You are there to help him make the right decisions, not stay quiet and watch him fail. That is no way to build a home. We were created uniquely and imparted with so much wisdom. When you withhold the words of wisdom embedded in you, everyone loses.

At a workplace, you decide to stay quiet because you do not want people to think poorly of you because of one weakness or the other you have. Newsflash, we are in a generation where the voices of people are highly sought after? If you can’t let that voice be heard when needed, you will be overlooked and may be trampled on. Do not undermine the effect of your words, do not undermine your voice.

Could be you find yourself in the mist of people who are making wrong decisions and lack understanding of important facts of life and the kingdom of God, yet you say nothing and watch them drown in their ignorance. Are you representing the one who ordered your steps there?

One moment you are deeply motivated to gain new grounds and move to higher heights, and then the accuser of the brethren come trampling on all that sweet motivation, pointing at your weakness and insufficiency. Before you realize it, you are stuck in depression and unwilling to move forward in life. This is the time to rise up and speak those affirmations over yourself that you can, you are able and you will keep moving forward because you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.

Now, let’s take a moment to breathe and look back on the many instances we had the chance to say something and allow our words do something. What would have been the outcome of that situation? I guess we will never know.

As long as you are here today reading these words, there’s still a chance to speak up and be steadfast in the decision to lend a voice, to be a guide, to be a mentor, to be a friend. As long as those words flow in peace and love, it will accomplish what it’s meant to accomplish. You are not too little to speak words that heal, or words that redirects and empowers. Just say something.

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Anne Etim writes short stories and inspirational blog. She is a wife and mother of two lovely children. When she is not working as a Master data coordinator, she brings to life the creative writing side of her. Movie production and screenplay are the goals she’s building up. Connect with Anne through her social media page.